10 things

There are 10 things that you might consider to do when you are sad. These things can distract you from every thoughts about your problem for a while. Hmm... Let's start...

1. Read books...
When you are reading an interesting story,you will think about what is going to happen next? How does it end? It will distract your mind from whatever your problem is. But for a hyperactive kid, it might work a different way. They might be not interested in the story but the story will bore them to sleep till their forget their problem.
2. Sing a happy song...
One of my teacher said that singing can cure headache! So why don't you try singing a happy song loudly? Maybe it can cure your sadness! But make sure your neighbors aren't listening to your half-shouting-song or else you will end up in an asylum with more problems.
3. Playing musical instruments...
Of course you don't have to feel sad to play an instrument. But people said that music is one of the best therapy. I've experienced such a thing. Every time I'm sad or upset, I'll play my piano or violin. Though I'm not very good at violin yet (sometimes the violin produce a scratch-on-the-cupboard sound) But it work in many ways.
4. Play at Timezone or Amazon or whatever...
I've just try this recently and it did distract my mind from the problems I've been thinking through the night. I play basketball, dance with one of my friends and let myself have fun for a moment. I felt tired at that time but this kind of distraction really work better when you are tired.

Well,I can't think of another way to wash away the sadness yet. But,I will share if I find it out someday... So,try those things I've written. Who knows maybe it works for you!


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